3 Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss

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There are many secrets to losing weight.

The diet industry would have you believe that the secret is a pill. Take this green tea extract pill and lose weight. No? Try Alli and lose weight. No? Ok, try this antioxidant stuffed pill! On and on it goes! There are new pills coming out all the time!! I have bad news for you pill poppers- pills do not equal long term weight loss. Xenedrine may work for body builders for a short time, but at tremendous risk to their hearts. People die from taking that stuff. The lose might lose weight, but the also lose their life. Not a good trade off.

The fitness industry would have you believe that the secret to weight loss is having the latest and greatest workout DVD! Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, Buns of Steel, Jillian Michaels, P90X, Insanity….yet, none of these will equal long term weight loss either. Why? Because you can’t exercise your way to weight loss long term if you do not address the nutrition/emotional side of weight loss. Fitness is important, but you can’t workout a lot and eat the same and expect different results. It doesn’t work that way.

The food industry would have you believe that you need more whole grains. That way, you get enough fiber to keep you regular. Or, if you are Celiac (like most people are finding they are or that they are sensitive to grains), you should eat more fruits and veggies (except, how many people eat more fruit thinking they are doing their body a favor….). This still wont work because if you are trying to live by what someone else tells you for your body, you will not lose weight long term. You have to do the hard work of figuring out for yourself what works for YOU.

So, by now you’re probably thinking, ok Kim, give it up. What are the 3 secrets??

1) You have to know what you want. If you don’t know what you want specifically, then you cannot create goals or have anything to measure success or keep you motivated. You may want to lose weight, but be more specific. Why do you want to lose weight? How much? Why that specific amount? What will you be able to do that you can’t do now? How will you feel if you lose weight? What will change? You have to figure out what you want and why you want it before you can expect to make lasting change.

2) You have to be ready and wanting to change. You can want to lose weight, but if you’re not ready to lose weight, it will be an uphill battle that you will more than likely quit. The clients that I see having success are tired of being where they are at and are ready for change. They know what they want and they want to work hard to get there.

3) You need help. Whether this comes from a nutrition consultant, a health coach, a personal trainer, a support group- you need help. You cannot expect to do it on your own. You must have a support system and someone who knows what they are doing and understands your body to help guide you through the process. It can be messy when you start to break old habits and make changes. It can be overwhelming when you think about grocery shopping differently and planning meals can seem like your worst nightmare. Having help makes the transition time easier and can help make those changes stick.

Employing these three secrets can help create long lasting weight loss for life. If you are tired of trying and failing, reach out to someone. Don’t waste another dollar on DVDs or pills. I am so lucky to spend my days helping people walk through this journey and I know what it takes to make weight loss happen. So, if you find yourself or someone you know in this place, let me know. My contact info is on the top of this page.

It’s time. Are you ready?

Do Binges and Bad Choices Make You Feel Powerless???

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It’s 3am and I am wide awake. Why, you ask. Well, it’s because I totally had a mess up moment. I have been doing Balanced Bites 21 Day Sugar Detox for the last week to
get back on track” and balance my mood a bit. I find that when I eat a lot of sugar (in the form of fruit), I tend to get moody. Up until tonight, I was doing great!

Today we interviewed our first potential roommate. She is great, but I am not super stoked on having roommates while my hubby looks for a job. Just being honest. Anywho, I also had a meeting with one of my favorite clients (ok, all of them are my faves!!) who is struggling with letting go of “mess up moments”. You know, the moments where you ate too much, ate the wrong thing, had a binge, broke a fast….we have all been there.

Well, tonight was my night. After having some wine (first mistake), I decided it would be a good idea to consume multigrain chips, popcorn and graham crackers. Holy gluten explosion!!! After sleeping for a couple of hours, I woke up with a racing pulse, crazy thirst and a painful tummy ache. As I sit here reflecting on my poor choices I was tempted to do the following:

1) Beat myself up for drinking wine and ruining my sugar detox.

2) Blame my binge on all the crazy changes happening right now.

3) Feel guilty for over indulging.

4) Feel like a failure and bad role model.

But, I am not going to do any of those things. Instead, I am going to drink more water and move forward. So I made a bad choice. This does not define me and does not have power over me. I can choose to make better choices in the morning. I can learn from this experience (and the week it will take to recover physically) and try my best not to repeat it.

I share this with you because a lot of my clients and friends struggle with this same battle. I hope that you can give yourself grace and move forward knowing that your struggles do not define you and that you are not powerless in the face of bad choices.

Do you struggle with this issue at all? How do you recover from a binge??

Client Story

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Two years ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  I was a 45 year old mother of 3, the youngest being a 15 year-old daughter in the home. My first surgery my thyroid gland was removed which puts the body’s overall health and energy on very shaky ground until the right dosage is found (a healthy dosage is different for each person).  A second surgery was needed (a neck dissection) that messed up my neck muscles.  For treatment and scanning, they had me drop my thyroid levels twice to literally “off the charts” low. 


Needless to say by the time Kim came on the scene, I was a physical mess. 

·         I had put on weight due to prolonged, high stress and low thyroid levels.

·         I had lost a LOT of muscle tone due to 18 months of recovery fatigue.

·         The strain of my fight with cancer had knotted up my back in crazy, painful ways.

·         My shoulders were hunched forward and pulled up significantly due to trauma and protecting my surgery site.


Last March I knew I needed a trainer to get back in shape.  Badly.  But I was worried.  I did not need a Jillian Michaels to yell at me, scream at me and push me to tears. I needed someone to gently move me from sick and out of shape to health, fat loss and strength. 


Enter Kim.


She was truly skilled.  Amazing.  Now I know that Kim has a “kick butt”, driven side to her.   She can push her clients like crazy.  She certainly challenged me. But Kim is also gifted enough to know that I needed to go slow.  Gently and carefully.   She slowly got my eating patterns corrected. (This was where I cried the most!  AND where I am now most committed to long-term lifestyle change!) But she was patient and reasonable.  Slowly, with Kim’s help, my upper back, shoulders and neck became WAY more functional and flexible. I have gained so much muscle strength, flexibility and range of motion. My body feels less like a 75 year old woman and more like the body I had in my 30s.


I have been with Kim 5 months.  In 2 weeks, I go to Southern Oregon for my 30th high school class reunion.  To a picnic, I am wearing a pair of cute white shorts that I haven’t been able to fit into for 3 summers.  I am going with a vastly improved posture.  I am going with a lot less tummy fat…smaller hips, thighs and arms.   I am going with muscle tone in my arms and legs.  I am habitually eating healthier than I ever have.  I am carrying myself with grace, strength and easy movement.


Thank you, Kim for helping me do what I could have NEVER done on my own… and could NEVER have done in this short of time.  

My Amazing Client, Lynn!

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I am so excited to have one of my clients and more importantly, friends, share her journey with you. I have been so privileged to watch and be a part of her transformation not only physically, but emotionally as well. Lynn is a hard working mom who holds nothing back when it comes to exercise or compassion. She embodies strength and I really admire her dedication to eating well and being well. Way to go Lynn!

“Today is one of the best birthdays I have had, despite the necessary evil of getting older. What a great birthday gift I have given myself, which I have been working on since my last birthday: Looking better (and younger), feeling great, being in a better mood, accomplishing something important for my life and inspiring others. It’s been a life-changing year.

Lynn rockin the stair run @ Mt. Tabor

I have been training with Kim Ludeman for most of the past year. There have been many moments of disbelief – “You want me to do what?” For instance the wall walk. I honestly did not believe I could stand on my hands and inch my feet up that blank wall. But Kim did. I was weary as my whole body shook and sweat poured down my face. One foot, then the other. I did it – 15 times that day.

A few months before I could only do one pushup, one sit-up and could run only a block before I felt like passing out. I was overweight and frustrated with my unsuccessful efforts to drop the weight on my own. I needed help.

After what my body had been through, it was not an easy thing to get back on track. To save you the long story, there was quite a list of things that came on within a very short period of time. Take my unhealthy eating and exercise habits and pile on two difficult pregnancies, three miscarriages, adrenal fatigue, anxiety disorder, depression, anti-depressant medications, hypothyroidism, moving out of state… The pounds didn’t just creep on, they tackled me. The scale jumped up 35 pounds in one year.

After getting settled in our new home in Washington State, I found a nurse practitioner who was compassionate and knowledgeable. She gradually got me on meds that would not cause weight gain.

A few more stops and starts later, I was ready to get serious about getting in shape. Having the support and accountability of working with a trainer made a huge difference. Kim started me on basic strength training. I logged my eating, which she analyzed weekly, making modifications to promote weight loss.

I will never forget one morning getting out of bed and feeling stronger. Just walking across the floor felt different. It was awesome to realize that my efforts were making changes. The weight was coming off and I was feeling great.

It was important to let myself start where I was at. Taking baby steps added up to huge changes down the road. As I move forward from here, pushing my body just a little harder today means being stronger tomorrow.

The Key Family

I am committed to staying fit and healthy for the rest of my life. Since April of 2011 I have lost 30 pounds and four sizes. Getting fit is a gift to myself, my family and friends. I have more energy physically and mentally. I am easier to get along with!  Now I need to tame my clothes-shopping urge, which is much stronger since I lost my fear of dressing room mirrors.

I am grateful to Kim and everyone who has supported my efforts to get fit. I never want to look back.”

Isn’t Lynn amazing?!?! I love it!

If you have a story to tell, I would love to hear it!! Email me your story with pics (if you dare!!) to kimludeman@yahoo.com!

50% Off 4 Week Intro Package!!!

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I am so excited to partner with Portland Half Off Deals to offer 50% off Healthy Foods To You 4 week program!! Visit PDX50 to check out this awesome deal (for new clients only).

I am also super excited to be featured in Delicious Living Magazine spreading the word about protein and workout recovery! You can check out the link here to read the article.

I hope you have a great and healthy week!

Yours in Health,

Trainer Kim

Paleo Magazine Feature!!

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I am so excited to be able to share my story. I think God gives us a story to tell because you never know how it might impact other people. I am super fortunate to be able to share my story in Paleo Magazine’s June/July issue!!

It’s so awesome to be able to help motivate people to seek out healthy living! I know if I can do it, anyone can!!

I also got some great feedback from another client of mine!! I loooove feedback (more positive than negative, of course!)

She says:

“Thank you, Kim, for starting the process last year of me facing my fears.  I remember the struggles I had with the exercise to help me do the chin ups.  I remember my ridiculous reason for my fear.  I remember you encouraging me to move forward and to try.  One step at a time.  That started the process of me facing my fears – mostly my fear of falling from something and breaking my body in some weird way that I would then have to tell people.  Again, a ridiculous fear but still something I had.  Someone called me brave today. I so don’t feel it.  I feel fear at times, but today, I now say “I’m afraid to do this, but let’s do it.”  I no longer let my fear rule me, but I admit it and move forward, trusting whoever is asking me to do it.  You started that for me, Kim.  Thank you SO MUCH!”

This client is amazing!! I am so super blessed to be able to work with such incredible people. You inspire me!!!

Recent Client Story: Caitlin

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I love sharing in people’s success!!! That is what fuels what I do! I love to help people find what foods and exercises make their bodies feel great!! Here is a recent note I was written:

I’ve been meaning to tell you that after you came and spoke at our all hall meeting and even at our coffee date before hand, you really enlightened and inspired me to look at my health differently. I’ve grown up doing sports and fitness and never eating junk food or drinking cokes, but I still had misconceptions about what was healthy or not. And I also realized that I struggle with emotional eating and giving in to sugary foods and drinks. It was good to hear that eating should be providing fuel for the body, to be conscious of food labels, and if I’m to over indulge, over indulge with vegetables. You also said that its a great feeling to come out of the holiday season and to have lost weight rather than to have gained weight like many others. I’m proud to say that I’ve lost inches coming out of December and I continue to steadily change my eating habits, though it takes a lot of work.
I just wanted to let you know that you’ve been an inspiration to me and that you really opened my eyes to actual healthy living.
Thanks again!



Cooking Class: Reading Labels

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Tonight at 7pm, HFTY Cooking Class Series continues with How to Read Labels! For more information or to join us, please email me at Kimludeman@yahoo.com


Whole Foods Shopping Field Trip!

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Whole Foods holds a special place in my heart.

I love shopping there. It is a spiritual experience for me. No, I don’t worship veggies or swoon over the variety of goodies (ok, maybe I swoon, but just a little), but every time I walk in there armed with my little green shopping cart, I feel a sense of wholeness and wellness. For me, it’s a little bit of heaven on earth. Not only can you shop there and trust the quality that you are getting, but you can even bring friends there to enjoy a meal together. It doesn’t get much better than that!

A Girls Afternoon Lunch @ WF

Saturdays Cooking Class field trip to the Hollywood Districts Whole Foods was a blast! 8 of us, armed with shopping bags and carts, wandered our way through the vast array of produce, bulk items, meat (Pete the Meat Guy gave us great information on the meats) and dairy. We had a great time comparing recipes and cooking methods for different foods.

It was so much fun being able to widen peoples views and ideas about produce. To make things that were once intimidating and make them not so scary. Learning the differences between Slicer and English cucumbers or how to select different types of produce (smell the bottom of a pineapple to tell if it’s ripe!). Seriously, I felt so incredibly blessed to be able to help make grocery shopping less stressful and start to be fun.

It is my dream and passion to help make eating food fun again! How many of us stress about what to eat, how much, how many calories, how to cook it!! I desire to make this an easier process through meal planning, detailed shopping lists (make your list to follow the flow of the store, ie: produce, bulk, meat, dairy….), pre-cut coupons and knowledge of how to store and recipes already to go.

Our next class is going to be on February 25th and it is going to be about cooking vegetables! Some of the stars of the evening will be brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers and more! If you would like to attend, shoot me an email @ kimludeman@yahoo.com. The price is $10 to cover supplies and comes with a detailed handout of everything we will be going over in class.

If you would like a copy of the handout from the WF shopping field trip, please let me know!

Until then, may you have a wonderful week full of movement, fun and flavor!

HFTY Cooking Classes- Oils and Spices!

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Tonight is the first night of my cooking classes!! I have been studying and researching all herbs and spices since my defaults tend to be cumin, pepper and Ms. Dash! It has been super educational for me and given me some great ideas for recipes! I hope my class can say the same!!

Just in case you were curious what we would be talking about tonight, here are the class notes.

Bon Apetit!


Cooking Class #1: Spices, Herbs and Oils

Storing Spices:

Spices should be kept in a cool dark cabinet. Heat and light will facilitate deterioration. It is generally recommended to discard any spices more than six months old. Herbs should be wrapped in a damp paper towel or cloth and then placed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Or, you can trim the stems of some herbs like parsley and cilantro and place them in a glass of water in the fridge. The sooner you use fresh herbs the better as they rapidly lose their potency once harvested.

The Mint Family

  Mint has a “spicy sweet menthol flavor”

Peppermint is the predominant flavor for candy and sweets, but is best used as an oil or extract. Spearmint is a more versatile culinary herb, and is classically paired with lamb, peas, and all manners of desserts, not to mention tea. Try it also with black beans, eggplant, lentils, and tomato based dishes.

  Rosemary has a “piney flavor with hints of lemon”.

It is used with lamb, pork, and beef. Try it also with mushrooms, potatoes, salmon, and beans. Rosemary is one herb that dries well, so use it during the winter.

  Marjoram and Oregano are actually almost the same herb; oregano is wild marjoram. They are interchangeable although some chefs believe that marjoram is like oregano with a bit of basil taste. Classically used in tomatoes and pizza, try either with fish, potatoes, and summer squash. Choose Turkish oregano over Mexican unless making actual Mexican recipes.

  Savory is not as widely known here as in Europe, it is a “cross between thyme and mint”. It’s most often cooked with beans, esp. bean soup, but use it also on grilled chicken.

  Sage is somewhat bitter and has a “musty-mint” flavor.

It is used especially with pork and other meats or in stuffings. Try it with tomatoes, grilled tuna or other oily fish, and grilled poultry. The leaves are especially good for decoration and can be fried.  Like rosemary, sage dries well so it is a good cold weather flavoring.

  Thyme is one of the most basic herbs, having a “pungent, minty, light lemon aroma with a hint of clove”

It is essential in French cooking as a member of the bouquet garni that flavors stocks and soups. It is used with all meats, but think about using it with Mediterranean foods. Use it with figs and goat cheese and try to find wild thyme honey. Thyme is a hardy perennial and like sage and rosemary dries well.

  Basil is a “cross between licorice and cloves”.

A lot of different basils are now available at nurseries, but they’re interchangeable in recipes. Basil is extremely versatile. Besides being almost married to tomatoes, it goes especially well with cheese, poultry, eggs, fish, in salads and combined with all manners of vegetables.

The Carrot Family

  • Parsley has a slightly peppery flavor. You can buy it in a curly form, which is best used for garnish, or as “Italian parsley” i.e. flat leafed, which has the better culinary flavor. Try it with chicken, eggs, fish, pasta, potatoes, rice, and vegetables. Some restaurants also put out parsley sprigs for people to eat to freshen their breath after consuming garlic.
  • Chervil has a slight licorice flavor. Part of the French “fines herbes” combination, it is used with carrots, eggs, fish, and salads. Consider chervil to be a substitute for parsley.
  • Coriander/Cilantro/Chinese Parsley – the same plant has a number of aliases. The leaves are sold as Cilantro or as Chinese Parsley; the seeds are sold as Coriander. This is a very pungent herb that people seem to love or hate. Those who dislike it find it soapy; others find it tastes somewhat like anise. It is very popular in Mexican and Thai cuisine; it would be hard to have good salsa or guacamole without cilantro. Use cilantro also with chicken, fish, and root vegetables. Try combining coriander with pork and lentils or other dried beans. Add coriander to any dish that has ginger.
  • Cumin, on a worldwide basis, is the second most popular spice behind pepper. It is very compatible with hot chilies – you would recognize cumin’s flavor in any prepared Chile dish. Try it also in bean soups, chicken, lamb, pork stews and sausages.
  • Fennel or Anise has a strong licorice flavor – fresh fennel is sometimes sold in stores as “anise”. This versatile plant is used in three ways. The bulb of the fennel plant is excellent cut in chunks and braised or served raw in a salad – pair it with apples. The feathery green tops are chopped and used as herbs in seafood, sausages, and salads. The seeds are ground and used to flavor sausages, tomato sauce, and on pork.
  • Dill leaves are used as an herb; the seeds as a spice. Some people like dill’s tang, others really dislike it. The seeds are classically paired with cucumbers to make dill pickles. The leaves are most commonly used with salmon and other fish. If you like dill, it goes well with cream based products – mix it in sour cream to serve on your next potato.
  • Caraway seeds are classically used for rye bread but also in cabbage, sauerkraut and sausages. Try them with soft cheese or with root vegetables.


  • Bay Leaf or Laurel Leaf is pungent and piney, and, unlike most fresh herbs, can be cooked for a long time in a sauce. Bay leaf is sourced from either California or Turkey – use the Turkish for the best and less strident flavor. Bay leaf is a crucial part of the bouquet garni used in stocks, soups, or stews. Try a little in rice or grain dishes. Bay leaf dries well and makes a great kitchen gift wreath in December.
  • Chives have a mild onion flavor. Besides being a great garnish, they add a little zip to salads, especially in the vinaigrette. Use them where you would use onions, but add them at the last minute to get their full flavor. They freeze dry well, but need to be rehydrated.
  • Tarragon has a predominant licorice flavor. If you like that flavor, you’ll add tarragon to numerous dishes. Tarragon is especially compatible with chicken and white meats as well as most vegetables. Throw some in a salad. If you have a choice, buy French tarragon.
  • Juniper Berries give gin its flavor. If you like gin, you’ll like juniper berries. The berries are also classically used with game, such as venison and rabbit. Juniper’s flavor is very strong; try a few berries with lamb, beef, or in cabbage dishes.
  • Mustard comes in either a powder form or as seeds. It is very hot; the temperature of prepared mustard is determined by dilution. Besides providing the base for the condiment, the powder can be added to vinaigrette or in crab cakes. The seeds are usually used for pickling or in sausages. Try them in barbecue sauce.
  • Saffron is the stigma of the crocus flower, i.e. a little thread found in the flower. It is the most expensive spice in the world, as each little stigma has to be plucked by hand. However, a little goes a long way, so the expense can be moderated. Saffron’s taste is somewhat medicinal. Buy saffron only from a specialist and never as a powder, only as threads. A lot of saffron sold is adulterated, often with turmeric. Saffron is an essential ingredient in risotto, bouillabaisse, and paella. Use saffron with any fish or rice dish; it is also good with lamb.
  • Turmeric is a spice that is valued mostly as a great dye – it turns anything yellow. It is often combined with saffron to exaggerate the yellow color. It is also used in curries, chicken or even bread.
  • Garlic almost always should be used fresh. However, while the minced garlic in jars has little resemblance to the real thing, Penzeys and others spice purveyors will sell dried, granulated garlic, which can be used in an emergency. It needs to be rehydrated.
  • Horseradish is a rhizome, and can now be found fresh in produce sections. You grate it like fresh ginger; it is very hot. Besides combining with sour cream to make the classic sauce served with roast beef, mix it with any other sauce made with cream – sour cream, crème fraiche, or yogurt.
  • Cardamom is native to India; it comes in a both a green and black variety. Cardomom is technically a pod; however, the flavor is in the seeds. Try to buy the seeds alone, and grind them as needed. Cardamom is used here mostly for baking, but is used widely in Asia in numerous meats and vegetables.

Pepper and Chile Family

  • Black and White Pepper is now available from several sources. To make white pepper, the berries are allowed to ripen further, and then the black covering is stripped. White pepper has less heat than black pepper. White pepper is usually used when black specks are undesirable in, for example, a cream sauce. For fun with pepper, try a little on strawberries.
  • Cayenne is a powder made from a very hot pepper. If you like heat in your food, substitute cayenne when a recipe calls for paprika. Also sprinkle some on fresh corn or on potatoes before roasting.
  • Paprika by contrast is a powder made from a very mild pepper. While it has traditionally been used either for decoration, e.g. sprinkled on devilled eggs, or in Eastern European dishes such as goulash, good quality paprika has a nice toasty flavor. Try it on rice and potatoes.
  • Other Dried Chili Peppers come in a large variety and you should choose which one you want based on desired heat. All dried chiles need to be rehydrated. The spice sold as “crushed red peppers” is quite hot, and often used on pizza or pasta. For something different, make them into an oil. Chiles are also remarkably sympathetic to fruits, especially citrus. Try a sliced orange salad sprinkled with chives and chile.

The Baking Family

  • Vanilla is an essential dessert spice, and can be bought in a variety of ways – extracts, imitations, or as beans. If you make a lot of desserts, it is worthwhile to understand these varieties, so you can choose correctly. I always keep both real vanilla extract and vanilla beans on hand. There is a substantial difference between real and artificial vanilla, and the real is worth the extra price. The seeds in the vanilla bean add great flavor to flan, ice cream, and milk drinks. The used vanilla beans can be put into a container of sugar to make a great tasting vanilla sugar. Vanilla can add mystery to fish dishes.
  • Cinnamon is actually mislabeled and two separate spices use the name. The type with which we are familiar is actually cassia, and comes from several countries in SE Asia. Ceylon or true cinnamon is much less sweet and rarely found here. Cinnamon also comes in a variety of grades. It’s worth checking out Grade A cinnamon from the spice purveyors vs. the Grade B cinnamon sold in grocery stores.
  • Cloves are used whole for sticking into roast hams or to flavor stock, while ground cloves are found in baked goods. Cloves are also compatible with beef – add a little to the next gravy you’re making or throw some in the next beef marinade.
  • Nutmeg/Mace. Nutmeg is the seed kernel of a fruit grown on the nutmeg tree; mace is the covering of that kernel. Mace is subtler, but you can use the two interchangeably. Try not to buy ground nutmeg as it ages fast. It is very easy to grate whole nutmegs on any kind of grater, or you can buy a special nutmeg grinder – useful if you make a lot of eggnogs at holiday times. To experiment, use nutmeg in barbecue sauces or try it on a variety of vegetables like spinach and carrots.
  • Allspice adds a touch of sweetness to desserts. Like nutmeg, freshly ground allspice is much more flavorful than bottled ground. Besides baking, it can be used on a surprising variety of foods such as beef, onions, squash and carrots.
  • Sesame seeds/aka Benne Seeds come in both black and white varieties. The black variety is favored in Asia. Given their high oil content, they particularly benefit from toasting. For an incomparable dish, coat a sushi grade tuna fillet with a little sesame oil, add a little salt, roll it in black sesame seeds, sear it and serve while still raw in the center. If you’re not quite that experimental, use sesame seeds on noodles or on eggplant.
  • Poppy seeds come in both blue and white varieties – the blue is sweeter and used in desserts while Indians prefer to use the white in their cooking. Add poppy seeds to salad dressings, especially if the dressing is to be used on fruit salads.
  • Ginger, especially grated freshly, has historically been used far more widely in Asia than we have used it here. However, as Asian cuisine has become more popular, ginger is now widely used outside of baking. Teriyaki marinade would be dull without it. Try it on tomatoes, onions, ham, or in chicken soup.

Cooking with Herbs

Now would probably be a good time to talk about the difference between herbs and spices. They are not interchangeable terms. Do you know the difference?

Spices are Seeds, bark, roots, buds, cardamom or berries. Capers, Chiles, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Cumin, Ginger, Mustard, Nutmeg, Peppercorns, Saffron and Turmeric are examples of cooking spices.

Herbs are leaves, stems and flowers of aromatic plants. Basil, Bay leaf, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon and Thyme are all example of herbs.

When cooking with herbs, there are some differences among fresh and dried herbs. Fresh herbs should be added as close to the end of cooking as possible. Remember that dried herbs will be stronger than fresh and can be added earlier in cooking.

To maximize the flavor of herbs:

  • Chop them with a sharp knife, or, even better, use a sharp pair of scissors. You want the cuts to be as clean as possible to avoid breaking cell walls.
  • For the same reason, do not chop herbs too finely unless you really want them to be a garnish. It can be hard to stop chopping since you get such a great smell when you chop herbs – but resist. You’re smelling the flavor from the oils which are now airborne and therefore won’t be in your food.
  • As these oils are volatile, chop them at the last minute before you add them to the dish.
  • For the same reason, add freshly chopped herbs to a dish at the last minute.
  • If you have a chance, just before using, dip the herbs for 15 seconds in boiling, salted water and then in ice water. This really heightens flavor.

Other Flavorings

When wine or other alcoholic liquid is further fermented, bacteria turns it into acetic acid. The resulting vinegar is a thin, sour liquid that can be used as a preservative, cooking ingredient, condiment and cleaning solution. The best vinegars are clear and clean – not cloudy or muddy. Wine Vinegars are made from white or red wine, sherry or champagne. Malt Vinegar is produced from malted barley. It is sweet and mild in flavor. Distilled Vinegar made from grain alcohol, has the highest acidic content. It is completely clear and strong flavored. Cider Vinegar is produced from unpasteurized apple juice or cider. Rice Vinegar, brewed from rice wine, is clear and slightly sweet. Flavored Vinegars are simply vinegars with herbs, spices or flavors added.

Fats (Oils):
Oil is the liquid form of fat. When working with oil, it is important to know smoking points of various oils to decide which is appropriate to use for your dish. For example, if you use a low smoke point oil on a high heat dish, the oil will burn before the item is cooked, giving your product a burnt finished taste. Here is the smoke point of various fats by type:

Whole butter: 260 degrees

Butter, clarified: 400 degrees

Olive Oil: 437 degrees

Lard: 370 degrees

Coconut, unrefined: 260

Coconut, refined:360

Coconut and Olive oil are the two main oil promoted in the Paleo lifestyle. There are many other kinds of oils such as Grapeseed, Safflower, Sunflower, Walnut, Peanut and Canola.

OLIVE OIL: It is traditionally used in Mediterranean cooking.  Now within olive oil, there are several different grades you will find at the grocery store.  Extra-Virgin Olive Oil(often abbreviated as EVOO in recipes) comes from only virgin oil, and has the most superior taste of all the grades due to its extremely low acidity content.  Virgin Olive Oil is also made of only virgin oil and has good taste but a slightly higher acidity content.  Pure Olive Oil is a blend of refined and virgin oil.  Then if you get straight Olive Oil, you are getting a blend of refined and virgin oil with a higher acidity content that commonly lacks strong flavor.  Paleo uses include salad dressings, dipping, meat marinades and sautés.  It is typically said not to fry anything in olive oil due to its low smoke point.

COCONUT OIL: It can be used for just about everything – greasing casserole dishes/muffin tins, pan frying chicken or fish, sautéing veggies for stir fry dishes, paleo dessert concoctions, etc.  The uses are really limitless. It is extremely heat stable, so great for cooking, and it has up to a two year shelf life.  Unrefined oils are just that—left in their virgin state after pressing. These oils tend to be rich, robust and ‘true’ in their flavors.
Unrefined oils are also much richer in nutrients. For instance, the peppery tingle from unrefined olive oil comes from antioxidant-rich polyphenols which are largely destroyed during any kind of refining. The drawback to unrefined oils is they have a lower smoke point than refined oils. Refined oils, oils that have had impurities filtered out, can stand a much higher heat on the stove.

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